Information Revolution

Every fortnight Karl, Judi and Michael get together to discuss topics in information management practice that are relevant for today and the future. We’ll bring in other industry insiders to talk about what they’re doing, and how their practice is changing. Information management in government is in the midst of a long term transition. To be successful now and in the future, we have to be active participants in the day-to-day business of our organisations and in the design of the information resources that our organisations use. If we get this right, the next big gains in productivity and public good will come from us. It’s a revolution in information management – and we want everyone to be part of it. Hosted by Karl Melrose, Judi Vernau (Metataxis NZ) and Michael Upton (Metataxis NZ).

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Video, if you prefer

You can check out the Information Revolution YouTube channel, if you're into talking heads. (No, not Talking Heads.)

Same content as the podcast, just with video.


Domain modelling

Friday May 03, 2024

Friday May 03, 2024

Why limit yourself to functional classification?
How could you think describe the whole domain of what your organisation cares about?
... and why would you do that?
Judi mentions some work on an all-of-government ontology, link here: All-of-government ontology options paper – Archives New Zealand
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Friday Apr 19, 2024

In this episode we reflect on the goodies we've gleaned since last November, when we first brought valuing information into focus. If you haven't gone back through the previous episodes, we've had great guests with a lot of insights! Today we pull out some highlights and ruminate on integrating lessons into practice.
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Saturday Mar 30, 2024

We were thrilled to have Chicago-based innovation fellow, data management enthusiast, and author Doug Laney on the Information Revolution podcast. He touches on the concepts of his books, Infonomics and Data Juice, and drops all kinds of good oil (refined or otherwise) on how to value and make more from the data, information, knowledge and wisdom your organisation holds (a little in-joke there).
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton
Doug rounds out a series of guests we've had on now thinking about valuation, if you're interested look back on previous episodes with James Price and Matt Moore.
Learn more about Doug at his site:

Friday Mar 15, 2024

Today's episode continues a conversation with Liz Wilson about data, documents, and the need for changes of practice to avoid data management cutting records management's lunch. Oh, and the nature of memory!
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Friday Mar 01, 2024

Our first episode of 2024! We're back after a bit of a break, with the first part of a conversation with Liz Wilson about data, documents, (not) managing the container and some ruminating on how financial institutions work with information.
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Friday Dec 22, 2023

Our last episode of 2023 continues the conversation with Matt Moore, talking about valuing something vs. pricing it, and how to make information assets tangible, visible, and tractable.
Matt Moore originally trained as a librarian. He spent years in the world of knowledge management and has also worked in learning and development, internal communications, marketing, sales operations, sales, consulting, IT management, project management, and process improvement. He’s done a lot of stuff - maybe some of it quite well!
Some links to things and people we mention:
Doug Laney
Lean methodology term "Genchi genbutsu"
Aswath Damodaran
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Friday Dec 08, 2023

Continuing the theme of information valuation, we had Matt Moore join us to take us back to some fundamental questions of how organisations determine value and make decisions - what they do and what they say they do.
Matt Moore originally trained as a librarian. He spent years in the world of knowledge management and has also worked in learning and development, internal communications, marketing, sales operations, sales, consulting, IT management, project management, and process improvement. He’s done a lot stuff - maybe some of it quite well!
We had such a good conversation we kept recording and will publish the second half in another couple of weeks.
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Saturday Nov 25, 2023

Last episode the Information Revolution hosts talked information valuation. This time we have James Price from Experience Matters sharing results of his research and compelling stories about valuing information, knowledge and data.
Some relevant links:
The first piece of research James refers to:
The Holistic Information Asset Management Maturity Model:
Experience Matters' website:
Ocean Tomo’s latest study on the value of intangible assets.
Laura Sebastian-Coleman gets a mention, here is DAMA’s DMBoK:
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau
Michael Upton

Information valuation

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Karl kicks off the conversation about how we could get the right level of investment in managing information by valuing information assets beyond the old high, medium, low. And we announce a guest who has thought much more about this than any of us!
With your hosts:
Karl Melrose
Judi Vernau (Metataxis NZ)
Michael Upton (Metataxis NZ)

Friday Oct 20, 2023

We're properly back back! Judi asks what we'd do if we were setting up a brand new organisation. Michael pushes the idea of establishing principles, not rules.
Karl mentions the Greiner growth model, here's one description of that:
With your hosts:
Judi Vernau (Metataxis NZ)
Karl Melrose (Castlepoint Systems)
Michael Upton (Metataxis NZ)

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